Create and customize your project

Now it's time to set up your project, which will serve as the foundation for your subscription services. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Project

Click the "New Project" button and fill in the required fields.

  • The information you provide will be used to personalize your subscription page.

  • Although details like your website, Discord, and Twitter/X are optional, including them will allow users to easily access your project's social channels directly from your subscription page

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created your subscription page and its unique link.

  1. Manage Your Project Settings

From the "Project Settings" menu, you can:

  • Edit project details

  • Customize and preview your subscription page

  • Manage access settings

  • View analytics

  • Create and manage subscription passes.

Customize subscription page

You have the option to personalize your subscription page with custom layouts and colors for a small fee. If you choose not to, your page will have the default layout and colors.

Update project access

You can manage your team's access to the project by setting different permission levels:

  • Add a Team Member as Admin: Select the admin access level and add their wallet address to grant full permissions.

  • User Access: Assign the user access level to give someone read-only permissions for the project settings.

  • None: Use the none access level to remove any admin or user from the project.

Last updated